Red, Bumpy, Oozy and Painfully Itchy

i am all about metaphors lately and i’ve found that’s how God likes to teach me. leave it Him to be creative. so anyway, i have a pretty severe allergy…


friends, the following is an apology to all who read this blog. for the last 6 months or even longer than that, i have been throwing not-so-subtle hints out that…

Last Minute-ness

last night, i went shopping at Target, grabbing some last minute items for south africa. got everything i needed (minus the salt & vinegar pringles i was so hoping they…

This Weekend

my sincerest apologizes, readers…. but i got nothing insightful to say at the moment. been racking my brain for something witty and a little magical to throw your way but…

This will freak your face off…

it never stops amazing me how many fingerprints God left behind for us to find Him. the following video is 8 minutes, but i’m not kidding you… it will freak…

Choosing Bronze

maybe i should have posted this back when everyone still had Olympic fever, but this came to my mind while i was watching women’s gymnastics a couple weeks ago. but…