since my last post, oh 2 days ago…

after sunday’s Africa team meeting, i am really starting to feel the weight of responsibility and am pretty (a lot) overwhelmed. its not all bad though, but here’s a bit of the why behind the feeling and what’s going on:

*i am the only one on our team who has ever done this type of HIV/AIDS teaching before. so that in itself is both exciting and terrifying.
*there will be an entire language barrier with the kids we’re visiting that i didn’t have when i did this before.
*the language barrier is made worse by the severity of their poverty and rural environment. our materials aren’t translated and we won’t have things like chalkboards to use for notes or visual aid.
*we have to rely entirely on translators and the Xhosa language doesn’t even have words for some of things we need to cover! so my writing of the teaching outlines for the team is made more difficult.
*i have an overwhelming feeling of “what impact can we actually have with these kinds of barriers?”
*witchcraft and other forms of demonic practice run rampant in this area. so spiritual warfare will be like nothing most of us have ever experienced. especially for bringing the gospel to these kids.
*and i am still $830 short of my financial support and need to have that paid up by the time we leave september 10.

BUT despite all of this, i am super excited. God’s bigness is all over this. i can’t help but believe that it is for such a time as THIS that God kept me back last march. He’s stretching me for sure and for Him to see something in me that is capable of this, is quite humbling. plus our team rocks and i am so excited to see them thrive.

anyways… thank you for your love, grace, prayers and support. love you and appreciate you more than you could fathom.

By Crystal Renaud

Crystal Renaud is the Founder & Executive Director of WHOLE Women Ministries whose projects include Dirty Girls Ministries and WHOLE Women’s Conference. She is also the author of Dirty Girls Come Clean (Moody Publishers), a speaker and student who lives in the Kansas City area. Follow @crystalrenaud on Twitter and visit her website for info on coaching and speaking at


  1. Crystal, you can count on my prayers. A trip like this can seem overwhelming, but your attitude is perfect for what God wants to do through you and in you. You are humbly aware of your circumstances, and completely dependant on God for his provision in all of these ways. I can’t wait to hear the stories of how God provided for you in both physical and spiritual ways. You are going to be a hero to the women of this village. I gaurentee it 100%. You are bringing truth and hope to them. You are carrying with you hope and a plan, not only that, but you come in the power of a living God that cares about them and sees them.
    The truth is in you and they will see it. Go with God my friend. I’m so excited for you!


  2. i will be praying for you and your team’s safety. do not let demons or superstitions stand in the way because you have the power of God living inside of you and that is stronger than anything.


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