leadership summit: tasty tidbits

i prayed just days before this conference when i was really feeling discouraged about africa and the big question of when. i prayed, “Lord, please continue to confirm this passion and call, so i would won’t lose heart. things look real slowed dow right now.”

and the thing is, i wasn’t praying that He would do so at the conference, it just happened to be just a couple days before. and well, God once again confirmed through some very unlikely leaders and speakers… YES. to explain how and what was said is almost impossible. but it was a very real confirmation.


at the willow creek leadership summit: bill hybels (pastor/author), marcus buckingham (author/leadership expert), john ortberg (pastor/author) and richard curtis (writer/director) were the speakers that resonated the most with me but here are some specific things that caught my attention (or kicked my butt enough) to write down.

Nothing matters more than the ownership of vision.

Be the first to cross the racial divide.

Don’t let the fears and prejudices of others be your burden. Don’t let others ideals define you. Don’t waste tears.

Leadership is seeing and unlocking the potential in someone else. Taking a chance on someone creates motivation.

None of us can learn if we’re not outside our comfort zone.

Lead with a transcendency plan. Jesus came and said He was only here for a short time. He equipped leaders (disciples) to carry out His vision. His time here was purposeful. Whatever your vision, equip others to carry it out after you’re gone.

If we are serious about evangelizing the world…. it’s not so much about having denominations & names on churches – it is really about bringing about change in the lives of people.

A strength is not something you’re good at. It’s an activity that makes you feel strong. Build around your strengths and manage around your weaknesses. Talk about your strengths without bragging. Talk about your weaknesses without whining.

We can’t stop with sentiment. Shift mindset, don’t think of [ministry] as charity.

Things will always look better in the morning. Start each day with confidence and optimism. This creates trust and inspires.

You have come into your position for such a time as this. Life deteriorates with a shadow mission.

Observe the truth. Be great instead of ashamed. it can’t be impossile. it must be possible.

did you go? thoughts?

By Crystal Renaud

Crystal Renaud is the Founder & Executive Director of WHOLE Women Ministries whose projects include Dirty Girls Ministries and WHOLE Women’s Conference. She is also the author of Dirty Girls Come Clean (Moody Publishers), a speaker and student who lives in the Kansas City area. Follow @crystalrenaud on Twitter and visit her website for info on coaching and speaking at http://crystalrenaud.com.


  1. I also went to the summit. I’m still reeling a bit. Things that are on my mind today because of it:
    -the idea of my ‘shadow mission’…. facing the truth about what it has shown itself to be and how much I’m immersed in it
    – the idea of identifying and working in my strengths
    – living a disciplined life…. which I have not been doing
    – for my church: how can we find more focus in what we do? what is OUR shadow mission? How do we call people to lives lived with greater intention and less frenzy? what resources do we have…. what passions do we have…. what abilities do we have that could be leveraged to better serve the poor?

    I’m pretty sure I’ll figure this all out by the end of the day. Sheesh.


  2. I work it every year at our Church… this is my fourth year of being the host site Technical Director, and I have to say I was the most disappointed I’ve been in a summit yet.

    Other than Buckingham, Kevin Curtis, and a little bit of John Ortberg, I never really found myself as engaged as I usually am. Maybe last year just ruined me with Bono, Andy Stanley and Wayne Cordeiro… I don’t know.

    I just wasn’t as into as usual.


  3. Thanks for the props on flowerdust!! Just spent an hour working through the other blogs that were listed…. very cool women out there.


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