
Just one of my favorite poems. Wanted to share it with you in case it speaks to your heart in the same way it does to mine sometimes. – –…

Fill in the Blank

I put  __________ before my relationship with Jesus Christ. Answer anonymously, if you’d like. 2 Corinthians 5:15, “Christ died on behalf of many in order that the ones who live…

We Want Your Story

I was one of 3 people to share our porn addiction stories at my church last weekend. Big thanks to Wes Koetje for editing this piece to a format I can…

My Relapse: From Temptation to Sin

In light of my church using my story in a message series recently and my own desire to be transparent (even in the areas that aren’t pretty) … I share with…

Accountability is like a Good Seatbelt

I stumbled upon this video on a friend’s facebook wall Friday afternoon and was blown away. Check it out (it’s only about a minute-thirty): Seriously, I’ve watched it about 8 times…