GIVEAWAY: 2 Tickets to Idea Camp in Vegas

UPDATE: And the winner is. . . Heather from Generate Hope Congrats! – – WHO DOESN’T LOVE FREE STUFF? We’re giving away 2 TICKETS ($198 value) to The Idea Camp:…

Crazy Month Ahead – Will You Pray?

Most of you know (but for those who don’t) I have been writing a book. It is my story told through the steps of pornography addiction recovery. It will also…

Community/Forum Update!

I just got off the phone with a very nice man by the name of Tim from The City. Turns out that he himself leads a redemption group at his…

Goodbye Forum? Please Take Our Poll

It is with a huge bummer of a sigh that we’ve decided to close the DGM forum… at least as it is right now. Even with placing more security in place…

No Stones Accountability Book Club

Join DGM Founder and Director Crystal Renaud along with DGM Intern Jenny Miller as we walk through the book, “No Stones: Women Redeemed from Sexual Addiction” by Marnie C. Ferree….

Join Us at Convergence

I want to announce a speaking date that I have coming up on September 25th in the Detroit area. Join me and Nicole Wick as we discuss God, sex, sin,…