did i say i love weather?

yes, i am a weather nerd. we had some awesome storms form tonight. so out of season but much welcomed by me! all of the weather guys are like, “this kind of system won’t happen again for years”. it is only february 28 so thunderstorms should not be forming right now… but i am happy! it is only 50 degrees. and it has been accumulating HAIL and it is supposed to snow in the morning. such random, but exciting weather!
here are some pictures i took of the thunderheads as the storm moved in earlier this evening. these were taken after work around 6pm. most were taken with my phone since my real camera’s battery died after just TWO pictures. anyway…. there’s a short video… enjoy!

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  1. Didn’t you used to make fun of me about looking out the window and enjoying the weather?

  2. Schweet! I was driving home and saw that last night. I thought, “That’s beautiful.” But it was warm, the windows were down, and I called my wife and said, “Let’s take Brinton (our son) for a walk tonight.” By the time I had run a couple of small errands, it was dark, cold, and lightning was everywhere. It was awesome! But I still wish I could have gotten a walk in.

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