always on my desk…

a friend of mine dropped this note on my desk, oh ages ago it seems, but i’ve kept it and read it almost daily.

“Hi… Kierkegaard once distinguished between a genius and an apostle by saying, ‘the genius impresses us with his own brilliance, the apostle with God’s glory.’ I’m not feeling too much like a genius lately, good thing, it gives me freedom to let His glory reign.”

by nature, we think that everything revolves around our own brilliance, own perfection, own pride. however, God’s way is for us to die to self so that He may have the first and reign above it all. this little note has been a great reminder of that need to die to my OWN self-glory daily.

can i get an amen?


  1. Happiness

    I think this might be my third comment….don’t get too excited. :)

    My dad (the infamous “Claude”) refers to this as the donkey principle. Think about Jesus riding into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey on Palm Sunday. The donkey thinks, “Wow! Look at all these folks who showed up to see me.” What a huge mistake!

    I’m not a genius….I’m a donkey!

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