ever-present help

i began reading tonight in the book of psalm. for some reason i found myself in the 40s, reading all about God being our help in times of trouble. why had God led me to read there of all places? am i in times of trouble? i didn’t think so but it seems all around there are things out of alignment.

south africa is one week from today, so i have no doubt the enemy is right here in the midst of our preparation. God is on the move to do a Mighty work there and i know the enemy (a not very clever enemy) is bringing about many distractions. not just to myself but for pretty much every other member of the team. the seasoned and unseasoned. we’re all affected.

family tragedy, overwhelming job schedules, sickness, strained relationships both in marriages and other relationships, hardship in other partnering countries that is shifting our focus a bit. the list could go on.

so without a doubt prayers are needed for our team. for its leaders. for myself. i was near ready to turn in my hat today, but i know that is not what i am called to do. i am called to stand firm. i am called to discern. i am called to pray as an intercessor. i am called to pray Ephesians 6 over myself and the team. i am called to bring a voice to the voiceless on the other side of the world and to bring glory to an Almighty God.

that is what i intend to do.
despite the enemy’s best efforts to distract me.

The LORD Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.

side note: several of my friends are in fpu and creating a culture of good stewardship. and i am leading the sexual sin class. all of which are things that are putting us in line with the enemy’s fire. please pray for us in this regard as well.


  1. Traci

    Crystal, you’re awesome! I’m looking forward to traveling with you. You are certainly a calming force and very wise.

  2. Amy

    Crystal, praying for you. I wish I could go to South Africa, so I’m going to live vicariously through your trip. ;)

  3. Prayer is a biggie…no doubt! It’s good to have people supporting and praying for you in those times.

    It isn’t pink hair…but I just did a post about hair…good times!


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