Monday Weigh-in #12

The quick & dirty is that I gained this week. Boo.

I really did not want to post my weigh-in today. But what is accountability if I’m not willing to post the bad too. This isn’t a surprise. On top of being sick, getting a migraine, being a crazy busy person at work and just my own poor choices… I expected all of that to catch up with me. And it did.

Now, the gain isn’t astronomical, but it is still not good. It has got me a bit low this morning and kinda in the feeling of wanting to give up. But I know that is not what I am called to do.

I am still hoping for a goal of 199 by my January 5 weigh-in. But that might be an overzealous goal now.

Here’s my week’s numbers…

*Weight(lbs): 208.1
*Pounds Lost: +0.5
*Inches Lost: 0

*Weight(lbs): 207.6
*Pounds Lost: 2
*Inches Lost: .75

(since Sept. 29, 2008)

*Pounds Lost: 17.8
*Inches Lost: 15.50


The 50,000 Pairs in 50 Days Challenge


  1. Silent J

    What quit! No way so you are 11-1. That is a great record. Keep moving in the right direction. Don’t give up. You can do it!

  2. Gwen

    keep on keepen’ on. This is not a set back…just a readjustment. You can do this…just keep swimming…just keep swimming…you can do this with the Power of Jesus.

  3. It might not just be poor choices (your words)-your body may also be adjusting to the “plan”…mix it up a little. You can get back on track!

  4. tam

    girl, youve not failed. your body wants you to shake it up a little. admittedly, you were sick. now get back in the game and challenge yourself this week. look at today…and work it! youve come so stinkin far Crystal. its been remarkable watching you!

  5. Take it one day at a time. Do something right everyday and it will work, that is what I been told. This week is going to be better than the last. I just know it.

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