Monday Weigh-in #13

This was a much better week for me. Not necessarily in spirits — but in weight loss. Starting my week with a weight-gain kinda put a damper on the entire week. I had to practice a lot of self-control as I was more than willing to eat anything in sight. Stress does that to me. But I survived the week, Christmas is almost here and I’m now on vacation.

One thing that did help my week was my discovery that Lean Cuisines are equal, if not less points than Weight Watchers Smart Ones. And they taste… BETTER! It was a nice change to my daily lunch menu.

Here’s my week’s numbers…

*Weight(lbs): 206.5
*Pounds Lost: 1.6
*Inches Lost: 1

*Weight(lbs): 208.1
*Pounds Lost: +0.5
*Inches Lost: 0

(since Sept. 29, 2008)

*Pounds Lost: 19.4
*Inches Lost: 16.50

How are you surviving the holidays?


The 50,000 Pairs in 50 Days Challenge


  1. Congratulations on your loss!!! Today being December 26 I gain .4, not bad I expected it to be a lot worst. Keep up the good work.

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