So, I’m Writing a Book… WHAT?!
I know the bondage of sexual sin and addiction. Since the age of 10, I have struggled with some form it. What I’ve noticed in my 14+ years of experience is the lack of resources for women to find freedom. Sure, there’s some of books about porn and sexual addiction for men. But try and find something targeted at women that shows a real woman’s story, biblical and relevant tools for overcoming the struggle that also provides hope, and you will be hard pressed to find anything. I know, because I’ve looked! I spent years in bondage just looking for a way out… and I know if there had been a book out there like this, my struggle would have been shorter-lived. I would have had hope in knowing I wasn’t alone.
And that is what I feel God is calling to me to do.
Write the book that hasn’t yet been written.
The working title right now is, “Dirty Girls: The New Porn Addicts.” Whether it gets picked up by a publisher or not — I know that I will use what I write in the groups I lead, within our counseling department at church and online as a possible e-book.
So that is where I am going to start.
There’s more to come. Including a MASSIVE blog campaign to promote an online survey. The survey is going to be used to help collect statistics and will be vital for gathering other information to help define the direction of my book.
If you’re interested in being a part of this on a grassroots level… ie. blogging like crazy, emailing all your friends… churches… neighbors… families… co-workers… LET ME KNOW IN THE COMMENTS SECTION BELOW and I will be sure you have all the necessary info first (in the next couple weeks).
Thank you for this blog and for allowing me to share my story and my struggles so openly. By doing that you’ve already helped to begin this whole process without you or I even knowing it! I ask for your dedicated prayer as I begin to write the outline and formulate the online survey.
Yea! Go Crystal! i love it when people do the things God wants them to!
Praise God Crystal! Thank you for listening to what He has for you! I am praying for you now & if there is anything else I can do to help you in this journey, please let me know!
I think this is AMAZING! I am willing to help in any way I can….this is something so needed by the church and I think God is going to do great things Crystal!
I will be praying for you my friend.
Crystal, this is amazing. You are so right about the need for resources in this area–they just don’t exist. I want to help if I can. Let me know.
This is awesome! I had a friend tell me about your site when I told her that I was struggling with the same things! It isn’t easy but it is nice to be able to relate to someone else out in the world that I can look up to for encouragement! Thanks for all that you have done!!!
Awesome! Definitely willing to help promote! Send me the details.
Awesome Crystal. Let me know how I can be of assistance down here in the south.
This is awsom. I’ll be praying for you.
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This is great! I’ve had a few girlfriends confide in me in the most general of terms… no one wants to expose themselves on this.
Will your book be addressed to a Christian audience or more a more general one? If the latter, you might be able to get promotion by celeb like Dr.Drew of Loveline radio fame who deals w/ callers w/ addictions of all kinds.
Your sister in Christ & fellow twitterer,