Take Three Seconds to Vote on Our Shirt Design!
Voting is now closed. We will announce the winning design and the winner of the free t-shirt very soon! – – Yep, Dirty Girls Ministries is working with Our Shirts…
Voting is now closed. We will announce the winning design and the winner of the free t-shirt very soon! – – Yep, Dirty Girls Ministries is working with Our Shirts…
Friday, November 19 is my birthday. But that date has another significance in my life. On my 19th birthday seven years ago, while attending a nice Christian concert, I confessed…
My LifeGroup is currently reading, When Heaven Invades Earth by Bill Johnson. To be honest it is a challenging book even on some doctrinal levels for me. However, the other…
For as long as I can remember I have had an issue with pride. I can remember back to the 4th grade when I was given a solo in the…
February 6, 2011 is Superbowl Sunday. But it is also National Porn Sunday. Established by XXXChurch, National Porn Sunday will be a day when literally hundreds (perhaps thousands) of churches…
A couple of weeks ago we made the decision to close the discussion forum on our site due to a pretty extensive spam issue. We are excited to announce that…