My 2009 Theme

I do what is called a New Year’s Theme. It is similar to a resolution — but with a twist. They started out as something some girlfriends and I did…

My Year in Review

First of all — thank you for reading my blog. With each number on the stat counter — I am humbled that anyone comes here. I know that each number…

Auld Lang Syne

I’m going to be spending my last few days of vacation without the use of virtual technology (no blog, no twitter, no facebook). But I will be back here next…


i’ve eaten my weight in Chinese food, Texas Sheet Cake and Snickers Minis between Christmas Eve & Christmas Day. i must say this… i might be in a grease &…

Tweet! Tweet!

After Weight Watchers today, I went with my friend Kathi to PetSmart because she had to get new Bamboo for her Betta Fish bowl. Well, apparently I can’t go into…

Monday Weigh-in #13

This was a much better week for me. Not necessarily in spirits — but in weight loss. Starting my week with a weight-gain kinda put a damper on the entire…