Live Prayer on Wednesday!!

Los did an AWESOME thing with his blog readers the other night. he facilitated a live prayer meeting via his blog on Mogulus! i wish i had thought of this idea myself, but nevertheless — i am totally copying him.

as you know, prayer is BIG DEAL to me.

so, here’s what’s going to happen: i’m going to hold a prayer meeting using Mogulus live on this blog where we will pray together for the needs of this community. you will even be able to join in via chat to pray and ask for prayer.

in the comment section below — you tell me how we can pray for you: sickness. job woes. family woes. sexual sin. death. fear. pain. praises. whatever. you tell me and we will pray for you. if you have a prayer need of a more sensitive nature, don’t hesitate to post anonymously.

the prayer meeting will take place Wednesday at 9pm Central.
be here. be honest. be real.


  1. My church could definitely use prayer. We’re in the midst of some huge budget cuts across all of our ministries. I’m sure this will effect some of the people who weren’t cut too. I have a sense that a lot is going to change before it stays the same. I trust God is in control but we could use some prayer as well. Also a praise that I didn’t get laid off in the process.

  2. I have so much anger/hurt at a few different people–all of them close to me. Lots of unforgiveness in my heart. It’s hard to forgive people who aren’t sorry. Last night my husband sweetly pointed out that I’ll be forgiven the same way that I forgive others. Grrr. So, pray for my heart to be softened, I guess. (I’d rather you pray that God would strike them all down.)

  3. I’d love it if you’d pray for me as I begin work again following a sabbatical. I took this sabbatical following a very painful season of ministry. Going back is a bit nerve wracking……..I’m excited but it’s a bit overwhelming.

    Also pray for our church. There has just been over two years of pain for us and we want to heal and MOVE ON………to what God has called us to do.

  4. I ask that you pray for those that need guidance related to growing in their faith. That those who are just coming to Christ find someone to talk to. That those who have not found Christ be introduced to someone who does know Him.

    Also that we as a church, through thoughtful prayer, make a decision on July 27th that will move our church in a unified move forward.

  5. Lory

    I am in the midst of sending out resumes and searching for ministry positions that will still allow me to finish seminary. Pray that the right position would open up….and if possible around the end of Dec/beginning of Jan.

  6. Songrtr

    This may sound but is needed. I just inherited a roommate for some iron sharpening iron and accountability. Oh and to cut finances. Between us we have four dogs two being labs. We have plenty of backyard. They two labs Dakota and Carlie are getting in some bad fights and we have hired a trainer. Please pray for the dogs they are both so playful and us as it is stressing us.

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