Cell Phone Freakout

i lost my cell phone on saturday.

when i was at Hobby Lobby (arts & crafts store) looking for patterns and fabrics, i saw something that i was going to twitpic, but alas… my cell phone was no where to be found. it wasn’t in my purse! when i got home, i immediately went to my room and looked around. called it from my land-line. nothing. facebook’ed my friend asking if it was in her car (we had thai together earlier in the day). nothing. looked around the house, my mom’s van…. and nothing.

checked my purse once more, just to be sure. nothing. but then, began to hear a faint buzzing sound. remember how i said it wasn’t in my purse? um, well, yeah it was. but in a different pocket. all along.

thanks for the call angie. helped things a lot! cause apparently i’m mental.


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