Go Ahead, Ask Me Anything


Just a random post for a snowy Friday…

At risk of appearing narcissistic (not my intention), I thought we could do a fun thing today… where you ask me a question about my life, likes, dislikes, hobbies, job, ministry, quiz me with pop culture trivia… honestly, whatever you can come up with AND as long as it is of a semi-appropriate nature, I will answer it.

Go Ahead, Ask Me Anything!

Oh, and I will post my answers in the comment section throughout the day/weekend.

So, be sure to check back!


  1. What’s your sign? ;)

    Seriously…what counsel do you give people who keep praying and praying and just feel like God, the “jealous lover”, just isn’t that jealous for them?

    1. Crystal Renaud

      I’m a Scorpio :)

      And to answer your more serious question, I’d ask first what are you praying for and why? And if you feel like you aren’t getting being “heard” — sit a while and just listen. Perhaps is God is speaking but you’re talking. He is certainly a jealous lover. And He doesn’t like to fight for a word in.

      Sorry, if that seems harsh. I am not big on coddling.

    1. Crystal Renaud

      Without a doubt: Sushi. But I really love Dim Sum and Pho. I am big, big, big on Asian food. But you know this.

  2. If you had a pet turtle, what would you name it?

    Also, Besides black, whats the next dominant color in your wardrobe?

    1. Crystal Renaud

      If I had a pet turtle… I’d name her Lucky because it would be my pure luck that I’d ever have a pet turtle.

      Other than black, I am finding a lot of pink, red and dark purples sneaking into my wardrobe lately.

  3. Have you always lived where you live now?

    If not, where else have you lived?

    Where else do you think you would like to live?

    1. Crystal Renaud


      I was born in Iowa. Soon after, I moved to Minnesota and now I live in Kansas. I have one really jacked up accent.

      I would love to live in the South, like Birmingham or Atlanta. Or the other extreme… Portland. I’d love to live closer to a coast.

    1. Crystal Renaud

      I love opinions. Even when they are different than mine. The following are few blogs I read because I know I might be offended a little. In a good way. lol.

      Joshua White: loveisgreaterthan.com

      Tyler Braun: manofdepravity.com

      Matthew Paul Turner: jesusneedsnewpr.blogspot.com

      And these are my girlfriends that I love. Always good content here:

      Anne: flowerdust.net
      Jenni: jenniclayville.com
      Tam: kassota.wordpress.com
      Nicole: nicolewick.com

      1. thanks for the links–I’ll check them out:) And you’re right–it’s a good thing to be able to listen to another opinion, even if it differs from our own:)

    1. Crystal Renaud

      Well, my title is Communications Associate. My tasks include social media and web maintenance, I am project manager for our communications team, I oversee laying out our bulletin and bunch of other little odds and ends.

      Ministry Communications is a huge passion of mine… because so many churches do it so so wrong and could make such a bigger impact.

  4. Hi. I’m not really sure how I started following you… I’m sure it had something to do with a girl named LaRue in Birmingham, though. And speaking of Birmingham, what kind of socks do you wear?

    1. Crystal Renaud

      I like to wear fun socks in the winter because I wear long pants and no one can see them.

  5. Just found my way over :) and my question for you is…do you have any advice for single women in ministry? and what resources/networking/etc do you suggest?

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