Off the What Now?

If you’re in the Atlanta area (or can get to the Atlanta area) this Thursday, February 26, let me encourage, nay, urge you to go to OFF THE BLOGS. OFF THE BLOGS is a night of conversation with three of the most influential bloggers in the ministry world-Carlos Whittaker, Anne Jackson and Jon Acuff and… Continue reading Off the What Now?

Categorized as Travel

We Went to Paris Instead

Click to see more from our Las Vegas rendezvous. Thank you Benji for being our photographer and letting us be total tourists. There are many stories to tell and will be shared when I am home! Love you all. Where’s the wildest/funnest place you’ve ever been?

you’re my test audience…

hey — okay so if you’ve been following my twitter at all you know i have been mulling over something for a while. some grand idea that involves blogs, blogging and bloggers. well, here it is: i am brainstorming the idea of forming a major bloggers event – centrally located in kansas city held in… Continue reading you’re my test audience…

Categorized as blogs, Travel